My name is Dr. Pat Akindude. I am a Christian Minister / Counselor / Author / Speaker. From my many years of experience in counseling and helping people with marital challenges, I noticed that it was hard for people to seek help. Most people felt ashamed and preferred to live in isolation to avoid the stigma associated with marital pain or failed relationships. The truth is that living in isolation often leads to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. I have counseled many who were able to either heal from those relationships, restore those relationships, or be refined by those relationships. Joining EMGroup will help to build you up from being broken and torn down. We want to empower you and give your marriage a fighting chance. If your marriage is struggling or you are newly divorced or separated; with prayer and the right strategy, there is hope for positive change. We will be equipping you with tools to strengthen your marriage.

We are passionate about creating an atmosphere of trust and safety where you can openly explore and share your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without judgment. We actively engage in the therapeutic process and foster a warm environment. We will guide you through a transformative experience & equip you with the tools needed to heal from betrayer pain and become an even better person. I believe that God still has good plans for your life!
Why Join Empower Marriage Group?
When you join Empower Marriage Group, you become a part of a family that picks you up when you are down, empowers you when you are weak, and is a support system when you need it. Going through a difficult time in marriage can be frustrating and slow, but healing takes place quicker when you receive support from others who understand and even share similar experiences.
Empower Marriage Group Goal
Our first goal is to work on helping you get a better handle on your marriage through the help of the Holy Spirit. We will help you learn how to develop the best version of you, that your spouse will respond differently to. If there is adultery, we want to help you deal with and overcome the pain of adultery and any habit that is hindering your success. Some of the major things that can hinder people’s success are: selfishness, fear, discouragement, hopelessness, addiction, and insecurity (to name a few). The ultimate goal is to prevent divorce and make your marriage a godly and enjoyable one.
What To Expect
When you join the Empower Marriage Group, there is no fear of judgment, ridicule, or stigma. This is because you are in the company of others who have been through similar issues. This group offers an environment of acceptance and love. No matter how bad you think your story is, Empower Marriage Group can help you pinpoint the problem behind the problem and equip you to win.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
- How To Prevent Separation/Divorce
- Effective Ways To Pray For Your Marriage
- What Husbands And Wives Need From Each Other
- Peace In-Spite-Of Challenges
- Rediscovering Your True Self
- What To Do During A Separation
- Rekindling Your Connection, And Much More!
To join it is $19.99/month. You can cancel at any time.
What You Get When You Join The Empower Marriage Support Group
- Professional support and the support group community
- Weekly teaching and prayer from Dr. Pat/Special Guests
- Relationship repair training and advice
- 50% Discount on all EMGroup private counseling sessions
- Additional resources
*As a bonus, we are throwing in my top selling book “Prayers That Get Answers” free of charge.*
Who This Is For
Empower Marriage Group is for women only at this time. However, private counseling sessions are open to all (men, women, and couples)
For Couples
Empower Marriage Group, provides private paid counseling sessions at a discounted rate (50% off). Couples counseling is for spouses to find their way back to each other through personalized private counseling, and guidance. We believe that most marriages can be restored, if the spouses are willing to work at it. Dr. Pat will help you understand and pinpoint the root cause of problems and address them at the root, so it doesn’t come back.
My name is Dr. Pat Akindude. I am a Christian Minister, Counselor, Author, and Speaker. From my many years of experience in coaching, marriage counseling, and helping families with marital issues; I have been able to develop tools that can help those that are struggling in their marriage. Empower Marriage Group, is designed to equip you with tools to strengthen your marriage through prayer, coaching, counseling, healing, and support. I truly believe that the atmosphere you create determines the feelings you experience.
Dr. Pat Akindude
Christian Minister/Counselor/Author/Speaker
Email: empower@drpata.com
**Registration is Now Open**
“What Clients Are Saying”
Dr. Pat carried me when I couldn’t carry myself emotionally. She was a light and a guide during my darkest days. Her prayers and her words gave me hope and healed my heart. Five years later, we still talk…I love this woman, I love her heart. I cannot say enough about Dr Pat and the significant role she played in my life.
I strongly believe when I was listening and praying with Dr. Pat’s MARRIAGE RESTORATION Prayer every day on YouTube, God healed my marriage at the time. about three years ago. This Ministry is been a Godsend!
My marriage is stronger and better than it ever has been. We thank you all for all the poured-out love and support this Ministry has done with God all things are possible.
My husband and I have been tremendously blessed by the marriage counseling we have received Dr. Pat. We are always eager to glean from her wisdom and counsel any time we sense something trying to stir up and cause issues. The wisdom we gain from our counseling sessions God has used to carry us through many storms.

About Our Ministry
Our mission is to proclaim the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ in its entirety, to win souls and to raise spiritual leaders through faith to become disciples of Jesus.